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What the F do I eat?

Ready to build a routine (you LOVE) that unlocks your HAPPY weightwithout dieting?

In this 10-week hands-on, premium group experience, you'll get:

10 Take-action modules: Literally EVERYTHING you need to get into a life-changing GOLD Standard Routine—without making it complicated. Let’s keep this as simple as it is.
45+ Go-to meals and snacks: Model after these delicious and SIMPLE dishes that are all made of regular food—there’s no spelt-berry organic ghee ingredients… Each meal is easy to make and family-friendly.
The ONE choice: This key decision (l had to learn the hard way) made my recovery quick and lasting, after 10 years of bulimia. Making this choice removes barriers between you and your goals.
A proven roadmap to unlock your HAPPY weight: It’s the same method I used to get control of my relationship with food and lose 30 pounds for good, 22+ years ago.
My in-a-flash HAPPY Weight Meal method: Free your mind and NEVER count calories, read nutrition labels or be trying to figure out what a portion of spaghetti looks like again… And use it at a BBQ, wedding buffet or running out the door on a Monday morning.
Super-fast tracking: Breaking habits that don’t serve you has never been so easy. Log what you eat with my seconds-a-day signature process so you can see exactly what to tweak to build your personalized GOLD Standard Routine.
2 Strategies that build momentum & make your end-game STRONG: Discover choices you love & turn slip-ups into SUCCESSES (instead of major set-backs) no matter what curve-ball life throws at you. BONUS: You’ll get the light-bulb moment that made me stop bingeing & purging.
Examples of my Star Client’s personal GOLD Standard Routines: You’ll get a snapshot of their transformation… all these women have gained control of their relationship with food using the same rock-solid steps you’re taking.
Discover your superpower: Uncover the specific part of your routine that smashes through obstacles so you can stay focused on the BIG things that are possible for you.
Experience a rich variety of support: Get clarity on what sets you up for success, feel confident moving forward & keep your momentum building.
The 10 minute activity nobody does: but will become the best part of your day (and make you sleep better). “My whole mood changes when I do it...” - Erin
Surprise Bonuses...and so much more!

Then you can get back to what you’re good at, instead of worrying about how many calories were in your Cobb salad at lunch.


I’m not a doctor. The information I share in my book, on my blog, with 1:1 clients & in my group program:
- is what I’d tell you if we met for a coffee and you asked how I overcame disordered eating and unlocked my HAPPY weight 22+ years ago
- won’t be for everyone—I can only tell you what worked for me
- is NOT intended to diagnose any medical condition or replace a healthcare professional

Always consult your physician before beginning any eating or exercise program.

7 Day Money-Back Guarantee
What the F do I eat? helps highly motivated women—who know dieting doesn’t work. Building habits that work for you can really only be discovered through trial and error in everyday situations you find yourself in ...in other words, you have to do the work. But if by the end of the first 7 days (November 18th, 2022), you’ve done the work but don’t feel like this program’s a fit, you can request a full refund. I only require that you share your food log to show you’ve done the work and that you give me feedback on a short Zoom call. 

PLS NOTE: Any hard good bonuses will be sent after the refund period.

What People Are Saying:

I’ve STOPPED bingeing and purging & for the first time, I really like myself...

Chetna, Lawyer, England

Kelly shows you the shocking and almost hilariously simple knowledge that works.

Catherine, Australia

How has 7 weeks of working together undone probably 20 years or more of an unhealthy relationship with food?

Lindi Conover-Thompson

Kelly's method is all about figuring out what works with my life, rather than me trying to stick to a generic follow-along plan that as soon as I get off of it, all my weight comes back.

Lacie, USA